Advance Praise for First Breaths of Arrival
(Oil Hill Press, 2016)
"From this chapbook's exquisitely powerful opening poem, 'For Kansas Poets'—written by the author and his father, poet William Sheldon—and on through the wry, witty, and evocative poems that follow, always respectful of the land, its history, and those who preceded him there, we see that Tyler Robert Sheldon is an authentic new voice of the American Plains—indeed, a poet to watch."
author of Naming the Fires
"In his sweet and tough lyrics, Tyler Sheldon guides readers through the Plains region. In one layer of sediment is memory of his grandfather, in another is the Flint Hills sky. All these testimonials show unflinching observation of a hard, beautiful land and the people who cherish it."
former Kansas Poet Laureate
Author of Jackalope
More Praise for First Breaths of Arrival
"The beating heart of Kansas propels [Sheldon's] poetry . . . Tyler Sheldon has that eye, ear, and feel for his home state, filtered through a modern point of view, a 21st Century mind."
-Roy J. Beckemeyer in River City
Author of Music I Once Could Dance To